The Way Back to Eternal Life in Heaven

"Salvation is by the Way of Righteousness."


IAM a stranger with thee; a wonder. IAM called "God". IAM not heard; an alien in your sight, cut off from before thine eyes. IAM become a stranger, forgotten.

IAM not of this world. Satan is the LORD of this evil world of the dead, dead to God. IAM the God of the Living on another world. IAM righteous: IAM thy salvation in the Way of Righteousness. IAM knowledge and understanding of the Way that leads from this evil dead world of Satan, back to the IAM world of Life. IAM with you as you partake of the afflictions of the Gospel, as Satan comes unto you with great wrath as he has but a short time to stop you. IAM your shield, "In the name of Jesus, be gone!"

IAM continually with you, in you as your creator, married to you, ready to stir up remembrance of your iniquities for repentance to humble the soul of good & evil which shall endure a fight of afflictions to prevent your illumination.

IAM with you to deliver you out of the hand of the wicked one. IAM come to call all the followers of Satan to repentance, and take the righteous few back to Life on other earth.

IAM come that they which see not, might see. IAM brings ALL things to remembrance. IAM peace and love and understanding and forgiveness. IAM good and cannot lie. IAM here with you.

Fear NOT, IAM the God of ALL. Let not the devil make you "feel" unworthy. IAM against no one. IAM no respecter of persons. In Life there is no remembrance of thee; there is no remembrance of these former things, neither shall there be any remembrance of the things that are to come with those that shall come after you. There is no remembrance of this death in the Life to come - all shall be as it was in the beginning, before the fall. ALL your sins are forgiven, GO AND SIN NO MORE.


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